General usage of the vehicle

Can my friends and family use the car?

Yes, you can add your friends and family as additional drivers, or Co:Dribers, through the app.

Note: A Co:Driber can drive the car, but must be added to the rental agreement in advance, through the app.

It is your responsibility to add Co:Dribers licenses within the app to ensure insurance coverage in the event of an accident. In this way, the rental agreement will be automatically updated and the person will be listed as the user of the car.

If you are stopped for a check, you must be able to present the valid rental agreement with any additional drivers at any time. You can find the current rental agreement in the :Dribe app. If you have borrowed the car, you will either need to print the rental agreement and place it in the car or email it to the additional driver, who can then present it digitally to the relevant authorities.

As for the young Co:Driber

Please note that when you add a Co:Driber aged 18-21, you will incur an insurance charge of €40 / 30 days. Payment will only take effect when you activate the "Young Co:Driber" option on your vehicle.

With the same young co-:Driber insurance you can add additional young drivers at no additional cost.