Terms and conditions

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

1. General

1.1. These Terms of Use apply to your Dribe user and general use of Dribe as well as your use of the Dribe Solution provided by the below mentioned company. When you create your Dribe user, you will also be asked to accept these Terms of Use. We encourage you to carefully read the Terms of Use before creating your user. By pressing "Accept", you acknowledge that your use of Dribe is subject to the terms outlined in these Terms of Use.

1.2 “Dribe” refers to the services provided by Dribe

1.3 The Dribe service is provided by the company:

KOSMOCAR S.A, hereinafter “Dribe”, 'we' or 'us' 53-55 Miliaraki St., 11145 Athens Company number: 000270601000 TAX registration number: 000270601000 Email: info@dribe.gr Phone: 2109981110

1.4 In the event of changes to the Terms of Use, see how these are communicated in section 6.

2. User Account

2.1 Dribe is a digital user platform that provides vehicle rentals. When you create a Dribe user account, you gain access to rent vehicles through Dribe.

2.2 You can only reserve and access vehicle rentals through Dribe if you have a valid user account and you have accepted the Terms of Use.

2.3 You can create a user account with Dribe if you are (i) at least 18 years old, (ii) in possession of a valid card-sized driving license, (iii) have a valid payment card.

2.4 When creating your Dribe user account, you provide Dribe with your personal data and grant Dribe permission to verify your personal data by cross-referencing a scan of your driver license and face. This will provide Dribe with a digital confirmation that you have accepted the creation of the user profile. How we collect and process your personal data is described in section 7.

2.5 Upon request by Dribe, you must be able to demonstrate three years of claim-free driving in the period leading up to the creation of your user account.

2.6 Users may be rejected based on an elevated or increased risk assessment, even if three years of claim-free driving can be demonstrated. As the insurance is calculated on an average basis, a user may have their user profile terminated if it is assessed that the insurance provider does not wish to provide insurance due to a high risk. • 2.6.1 Dribe reserves the right to continuously assess the risk of users and terminate the user if it is deemed that the risk is elevated or increased.

2.7 Upon request by Dribe, you must be able to provide relevant documents to assess your creditworthiness. These documents include annual statements from [INSERT NAME OF REGIONAL TAX AUTHORITIES] (the [INSERT NATIONALITY, E.G., DANISH] tax authorities) and pay checks from your employer.

2.8 You may only use your own information when creating your user account, and your login to Dribe is personal and may only be used by you. In the event of unauthorized use, you will be held responsible for any fees, consumption, and any associated costs incurred due to the unauthorized use.

2.9 You are obligated to ensure that all of your user information is up-to-date at all times, including your contact information, and the card associated with your user profile. You can update your user information via the Dribe Application or by contact Customer Care at any time.

2.10 When you rent a vehicle, you enter into a Rental Agreement with Dribe regarding the use of the vehicle, in addition to the Terms of Use. Specific data about the rented vehicle (cost, model etc.) will be included in the Rental Agreement. Furthermore, the General Rental Terms state the terms for the rental.

2.11 Dribe charges prices for vehicle rentals and related services and fees according to the applicable Price list, which can be found on the Dribe application and Dribe website. The Price list is an integral part of the parties' contractual basis. The current version of the price list can always be found on the Dribe application and Dribe website. Section 6.1 and the price list specify when Dribe has the opportunity to make changes to prices and fees.

3 Username and password

3.1 As part of the registration process, you will be asked to provide your email address and choose a password.

3.2 You are responsible for the confidentiality and use of your password, and you must log out of your account after use. Your password is personal and must not be used by any third party. If you suspect that your password is being misused, you must immediately notify Dribe and change your password.

3.3 If Dribe has reason to believe that your password has been disclosed or otherwise misused by unauthorized individuals, Dribe has the right to close your user account. Dribe may require you to change your password at any time.

4. Commencement and Termination

4.1 Your user account comes into effect on the day you create and register as a user.

4.2. You can terminate your user account via the Dribe Application or Customer Care. If you have created a Dribe user account, termination of your user account can only be done in accordance with the termination rules specified below in section 4.3. If you have rented vehicles through Dribe you can only terminate the Rental Agreement in accordance with the termination rules specified in the Rental Agreement.

4.3 It is a prerequisite for terminating your user profile that your current rental vehicle(s) are returned to Dribe, any binding periods on your rental agreement have expired, and the rental agreement has been terminated in accordance with the terms of the Rental Agreement. If you have future orders or reservations at the time of termination, you will need to ensure yourself that these are cancelled. The cancellation policy for the specific reservation is described within the Terms of the Rental agreement, where to cancellation fee is available through Dribe’s current Price list. 4.4 In the event of a significant breach of the Terms of Use, entered Rental Agreement(s), or User Terms for Dribe, Dribe can terminate your user account without notice.

4.5 Otherwise Dribe can without cause terminate your user profile with 30 days' notice.

5. Payment

5.1 When you register as a Dribe user, you must also register a valid payment card to Dribe. In addition to the Terms of Use, the 'Terms for Automatic Card Payment' also apply (sent together with the Terms of Use). These can be found via Dribe Application or website at any time. 5.2 There is no right of withdrawal for car rentals via Dribe.

6. Changes to Terms of Use

6.1 Dribe reserves the right to make changes to the Terms of Use, including prices and fees.

6.2 In the event of significant changes to the Terms of Use, you will be notified when logging in to Dribe, and you will be asked to review and accept the amended Terms of Use.

6.3 Significant changes to the Terms of Use shall be notified to you with a notice of at least 30 days prior to the expiration of a rental period, and during the notice period, you can terminate your user account with a notice of 7 days, regardless of the binding period.

6.4 Significant changes will be notified through the Dribe Application and through individual communication, e.g., email and SMS.

6.5 Any change to the Terms of Use must be made in writing to be valid.

6.6 Dribe has the option to change prices, fees, and other terms in specific situations. It is unfortunately not possible to create a comprehensive list, but here are some examples of situations where we have the option to change prices:

• 6.6.1 External Costs Dribe’s pricing depends on the prices and costs we have for the purchase of the vehicles that you can rent through Dribe. A higher purchase price may result in potential price increases for you when renting a vehicle. It may also include costs from other external parties in connection with Dribe's provision of services to our customers, such as providing payment solutions, increases in interest costs, or increases from other distributors.

• 6.6.2 Inflation If prices in society generally rise, it affects our costs, and we may therefore need to adjust our prices in line with inflation, based on the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices

• 6.6.3 Changed Legislation, Regulation, or Practice The taxation area for cars is regulated by legislation and other rules that are frequently changed. Such changes or, for example, a new judicial or administrative practice may require us to make changes to terms and prices.

• 6.6.4 Product Changes A change to one of Dribe's products may, for example, be due to the fundamental assumptions of the product being altered. This could be due to changed legislation, altered customer requirements, or competitive conditions. It could also be because the demand no longer supports offering a product in its current form.

• 6.6.5 Incentive for More Efficient Customer Behavior The administration of user agreements, rental agreements, or related special services may impose unforeseen internal or external costs that can be directly attributed to delivery in accordance with a customer's user account or rental agreement. In this regard, it may be necessary to make changes to prices and terms that create an incentive for Dribe's customers to choose more efficient economic solutions.

6.7 If any provision in the Terms of Use is declared invalid (Partial Invalidity), such provision shall be replaced in a manner that closely reflects the purpose of the original provision, and the remaining provisions of the Terms of Use shall remain valid.

7. Use of Personal Data

7.1 When you create your Dribe user, Dribe will register, collect and process personal data related to your user profile. As well as store cookies on the device you use to access Dribe. You can learn more about our processing of your personal data and use of cookies in our privacy- and cookie policy, which you can find here: info@dribe.gr.

8. Intellectual Property Rights

8.1 All intellectual property rights to Dribe and materials within Dribe, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, logos, and domain names, are owned by Dribe.

8.2 Nothing in the Terms of Use grants you the right to exploit such intellectual property rights.

9. Availability of Dribe

9.1 Dribe cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to Dribe.

9.2 If you experience any issues while using Dribe or encounter a non-functioning download link, please contact us at info@dribe.gr.

10. Links from Dribe

10.1 Dribe may contain links to websites provided by third parties. Dribe has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the content on such websites.

10.2 Your use of such websites is at your own risk. We recommend that you review the terms and conditions of the respective website owners.

11. Complaints

11.1 You can file a complaint regarding Dribe's services or matters related to your user by submitting a written request to info@dribe.gr

11.2 Furthermore, you can contact [INSERT NATIONAL COMPLAINT ENTITY AND CONTACT INFORMATION] or use the European Commission's online complaint portal http://ec.europa.eu/odr to submit a complaint.

12. Limitation of Liability

12.1 Dribe is provided "as is" and "as available." Dribe expressly disclaims any liability and warranty, whether express, implied, or statutory, including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, access, non-infringement, and the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of information obtained through Dribe.

12.2 Dribe cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect loss arising from the use or content of Dribe, associated data, or any other service or delivery from Dribe. Thus, Dribe shall never be liable for any loss, whether direct or indirect, including loss of business, loss of profit, loss of data, or any other indirect or consequential damages.

13. Choice of Law and Jurisdiction

13.1 These Terms of Use shall be governed by Greek law, without prejudice to the mandatory consumer protection rules applicable in the country where you reside.

13.2 Any disagreement, claim, or dispute arising from or related to the Terms of Use or your Dribe user shall be settled according to Greek law by the Greek courts, subject to the mandatory consumer protection rules applicable in the country of your residence.

14. Legal Requirements

14.1 Without prejudice to other provisions in the Terms of Use, you must use Dribe in accordance with the current national and international laws and regulations.

14.2 Dribe cannot be held liable if you fail to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

15. Additional Information

15.1 If you have any questions regarding your Dribe user, you can contact Dribe's Customer Care. Dribe 53-55 Miliaraki St., 11145 Email: info@dribe.gr Phone: +31 2109981110